Bay Area Storytelling Festival
20-21 June 2025
Teller Submissions
SAC Member Showcase Teller
The Festival will host a showcase of 4-5 SAC Members. Tellers must be members of the Storytelling Association of California. Click HERE for more information to join.
Each teller will present an approximately 10 minute story during the Showcase. Tellers are not expected to have an extensive repertoire.
Tellers receive free admission to the Festival for themselves and a guest and are paid a $100 honorarium. Meals are provided; however, travel and lodging expenses are not.
Those interested in performing during the SAC Member Showcase should apply and submit recordings, brochures, clippings, and/or other supporting materials. Materials cannot be returned. Once an application is received, information will be reviewed and retained. A teller’s file remains open for five (5) years and may be updated at any time.
NOTE: Tellers selected to perform as part of the SAC Member Showcase at the festival will receive a letter of invitation. Applicants who are not chosen will not be notified but will be re-considered for future years’ programs.
Click HERE to submit an application for SAC Member Showcase Teller.
Featured Teller
Each year, approximately 4-5 featured tellers are selected to appear at the Bay Area Storytelling Festival. Featured tellers may perform Friday evening at Sunset Stories and throughout Saturday (10am to 6:30pm) for a total of approximately one and a half hours.
Travel, lodging, and food expenses are covered for each featured teller, plus an honorarium of $1000 to $1500 depending on performance hours.
Featured tellers are expected to have an extensive repertoire with strong or growing national recognition.
The selection of each year’s featured tellers is an ongoing process. Tellers may express interest at any time and need not meet any deadlines. Those interested in performing should apply, along with recordings, brochures, clippings, or other supporting materials. Materials cannot be returned.
Once an application is received, information will be reviewed and retained. The application remains effective for five (5) years; however, applicants may update the form and supporting materials as often as they desire.
NOTE: Tellers selected to perform at the festival will receive a letter of invitation. Applicants who are not chosen will not be notified but will be re-considered for future years’ programs.
Click HERE to submit an application for Featured Teller.